Cabinet approves proposal to make DCs appointing authorities for jobs at district level following roster system

The cabinet also approved that the Deputy Commissioners would now be the appointing authorities for jobs at the district level following the roster system.

Talking to Mediaperson, MDA spokesperson and cabinet Minister Paul Lyngdoh said the cabinet decided to decentralise the system by allowing Deputy Commissioners to approve the roster at their level.

“We have decided to decentralise the system whereby the DCs can finalise the roster system at their level, meaning the reservations of posts, which are at the district level,” Lyngdoh said.

“They (DC) need not come up to the personnel department or the state government, for the finalisation of which post comes under which category as per the 80 percent reservation for Khasi-Jaintia and Garo in their respective districts,” he said.

He said the Deputy Commissioners would no longer have to approach the Personnel department or the state government for job appointments at the district level and it would save time and also empower the Deputy Commissioners.

“So, this will help to reduce the time gap required for clearance of appointment and also It will empower the DCs to finalise the vacancies in their respective districts without further reference to the state government,” The Minister added.

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