Upset with his success, BJP trying to take credit: Saleng

Congress Tura MP Saleng A. Sangma has firmly denied claims by the BJP that they supported him during the parliamentary elections. Speaking to reporters, Saleng dismissed these assertions, pointing out that BJP and Congress are fundamentally opposed, likening them to “fire and water” that will never mix.


Sangma  suggested that the BJP might be trying to take credit for his victory because they are upset about his success.


Speaking to reporters on Friday, Saleng said, “When Bernard speaks about anything, (do you think that) everybody will take it as a gospel truth? Do you think the BJP has made Ricky to be the MP or me to be the MP? BJP and Congress are like fire and water. We will never mingle or we will never mingle at all. Moreover, I think they have lost their mind just because I have become an MP.”


Stating that BJP and NPP are working together, the MP said, “Whenever you go to Delhi asks anybody especially minsiters, they take this particular state as an NDA ruling state. So, in which dream that we got support from the BJP? Can you tell me?”


Saleng clarified that he sought support from individual leaders, including some from the NPP, but this was not based on party affiliations or directions. He emphasized that the BJP did not support him during the elections and expressed certainty that they would not support him in the future.


He said, “I went to few of the leaders, I went even to those leaders from the NPP also to support me. It doesn’t mean that they have supported me on the basis of party direction.”


“BJP has never supported me and they will never support me in the future also,” he said.

When asked further, Saleng challenged the NPP, which is currently in alliance with the BJP, to prove their independence by expelling the two BJP MLAs from the ruling coalition.


“If the NPP has the (guts), can they kick out these two BJP (MLAs)? Kick out the BJP, kick out these two BJP (MLAs) and believe their spokesperson. Will they have the guts to kick out these two BJP (MLAs) from the ruling, do that one and then we will speak afterwards, then only tell them to speak about the Congress. They (NPP) don’t need the two (BJPs) as they have got 43. They don’t need support from BJP. If they have the guts to kick out, tell Rakkam to kick them out, then tell them to speak about me,” the Congress MP added.

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