Meghalaya Organizes Overseas Job Fair Amid Youth Unemployment Problems


Meghalaya’s Health Minister, Dr. M Ampareen Lyngdoh, underscored the growing challenges faced by the state’s youth, noting that 37% of the population is under the age of 35. With a limited number of industries, job opportunities, and competitive salaries, the state government has responded by organizing a job fair in Shillong to connect skilled workers with overseas employment prospects.


The job fair, held at the State Convention Centre, was organized by the Meghalaya State Skill Development Society (MSSDS) and drew a significant number of young participants. The event aimed to bridge the employment gap by offering global opportunities to the state’s workforce. Dr. Lyngdoh attended the fair as the Chief Guest, emphasizing the government’s ongoing efforts to generate employment for its citizens.


Praising the efforts of MSSDS, Dr. Lyngdoh shared, “We have trained 10,923 citizens in various sectors. Out of these, 6,354 have secured jobs, and 4,093 have become self-employed. For the financial year 2024-25, we are targeting 26,000 youths, and currently, more than 7,000 are undergoing training.”


When asked by media about her statement on the lack of industries and companies in Shillong, Health Minister Dr. Ampareen Lyngdoh expressed hope for progress, saying, “All of our civil society representatives will grow with time. There’s this feeling that we want to shunt everyone out, to remain in isolation, but times are changing. The younger generation today doesn’t feel the way I did. In my generation, even studying in another state was unheard of, but today it’s common practice. I believe that our state will grow too. Give us time; we are still a new state, and many things are still viewed with suspicion. I see that mindset changing when I look at my own children—they’re not as suspicious as I was at their age.”


She further acknowledged concerns that the government is sending citizens outside for jobs due to a lack of opportunities within the state. “Yes, there’s a feeling that the government isn’t providing enough jobs here. But we need to face reality. Parents today can’t hold their children back. Kids know what they want to do and where they want to go. We have no choice but to support them. Whether or not this practice is acceptable everywhere, only time will tell. The government is heading in the right direction, and with time, our actions will be appreciated.”

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