Education Minister Rakkam A Sangma on Friday announced the constitution of the State Education Commission (SEC).
Prof Sherwin May Sungoh, who is the head of education department of the North Eastern Hill University (NEHU), will be the chairperson of the SEC while former UPSC chairman Prof David Reid Syiemlieh and retd IFS and former MBOSE executive chairman Tony TC Marak will be the advisers and Secretary in-charge Education Ambrose Ch Marak as member secretary.
The SEC will also be assisted by 12 co-opted members, Sangma said in a press conference after convening a review meeting of the education department.
“The term of the SEC will be for 2 years from the date of notification,” he said.
The minister said that the Commission would advise the government of Meghalaya on matters related to the school and college system, salary and school/college structures, school management functioning and accountability.
“It will also recommend concrete solutions and strategic intervention and policy decisions for ushering reforms in the school and higher education system from the perspective of NEP 2020 and fulfilling its various principles and articulation,” he said. According to him, the commission has also been asked to recommend reforms and policy changes for promoting quality education in schools, colleges and institutions of Higher & Technical Education.