Behdeinkhlam, a four-day festival of the Jaintias concluded

SHILLONG, JULY 3: Behdeinkhlam, a four-day festival of the Jaintias concluded on Wednesday amidst thousands of faithful taking part.

Speaking to reporters after attending the festival, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma said, “I take this opportunity to wish the people of the state a very happy Behdeinkhlam festival. This is one of the important festivals of the state. This is my third time that I am here visiting and being part of this festival and everytime I come here it becomes more and more colourful and more and more beautiful and I love the way that people celebrate it with so much of passion and so much of involvement.”

Sangma informed that the government had spent Rs 6.5 crore for the development of the infrastructure at Aitnar.

“We are happy that we can always support this festival in every possible way. As you are aware even the infrastructure out here was created by the government through the Tourism department about 6.5 crore has been spent on this. And like this we always believed that maintaining the cultural identity of our state and of our people is of utmost importance,” he said.

 “So we are happy to support and we are happy to see that our people continue to celebrate in a very passionate manner, the different cultural festivals of our state,” he added.

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