Cabinet approves amendment of ‘OM’ on Reservation Roster to restart recruitments

The State Cabinet on Tuesday approved the amendment of the office memorandum on reservation Roster to start the recruitment process.


Addressing the media, Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma informed that the Cabinet has approved the amendment of the OM of May, 2022 and that following this, the process of recruitment will immediately start.


“The process of recruitments will also be starting post the OM for the reservation roster that will come out most probably tomorrow or day after tomorrow,” he said.


When asked, the chief minister said recruitment process cannot stop.


“If we put a stop to recruitments then many of our youngsters who are meant to get jobs and who are going to apply for them and who are going to be overage as the days go by will suffer and hence, in the larger interest of ensuring that the youth get the jobs while the review or the discussion of the committees will deliberate on the different aspects of the reservation policy the recruitments will continue,” he stated.


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