Centre warns Meghalaya over delay in completion of land acquisition in state

The Ministry of Road and surface transport has warned Meghalaya over the delay in completion of land acquisition in the state. Taking a strong stand, the Union Minister informed the state that wherever these issues are there which remain for too long, the Ministry will bypass that particular land and move forward and the construction will continue in the remaining land.

Informing this Chief Minister Conrad Sangma has urged everybody, especially citizens, to cooperate when it comes to these kinds of important national highway and road construction.

“The ministry took a very Strong stand, on the issues of land acquisition and to the extent that the honourable Minister has even mentioned that wherever the issue of land acquisition does take place. And if there is a delay, then if necessary, the ministry may even bypass a particular land and you may find those stretches of 50 metres, 100, metres, 200, metres not being constructed,” The Chief Minister said.

Stating that the construction will continue, Sangma said,  “So, wherever these issues are there, which remain for too long. The ministry may even consider. As I said, cancellation of that section of work which would ultimately then affect the overall Road structure, as well as convenience for the people and it would be a loss for the state. And hence, I would like to urge everybody, especially citizens, when it comes to these kinds of important national highway and road construction. We need all the cooperation from all the citizens so that we don’t lose out in these different projects.”

He stated that the government will be very continuously, very efficiently following this up and we expect to resolve all these issues and the coordination, and cooperation from the people also is expected.

Meghalaya Chief Minister also discussed a big project – the link between Umroi, all the way to Jowai, Ratachera and Beyond to Silchar.

Stating that it is almost 20, 000 crore project, the CM said, “Some parts some parts of the land acquisition are pending and I mean, the service is pending and we are having some concerns in some areas. So once again, I would like to urge all the citizens that all these issues must be resolved. “

He said, this is for the good of the state for the good of the people.

“Once we have the full Lane Highway going all the way from Barapani to Ratachera,” Sangma said.

About Western bypass, he said, “Almost close to 100 percent completion of the land acquisition part, to be precise it is 90 plus percent completed.”

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