CM Conrad Sangma reviews overall situation and preparedness in view of Cyclone Remal

SHILLONG, MAY 27: Chief Minister Conrad K Sangma on Monday reviewed the overall situation and preparedness in view of Cyclone Remal, which has affected most parts of the state.


During the review meeting, the Chief Minister has directed the administration to remain alert and be prepared to respond to any crisis.


“Helpline numbers have been activated, and the public is urged to reach out to the administration for a quick response. Helpline No : 1070,” The Chief Minister informed in his social media page.


Apart from Deputy Chief Minister Prestone Tynsong, Chief Secretary D.P. Wahlang, and other senior officials, including all Deputy Commissioner (DC), as well as representatives from the National Disaster Response Force (NDRF), India Meteorological Department (IMD), State Disaster Management Authority (SDMA), and District Disaster Management Authorities (DDMA) also attended the review meeting.


Meanwhile,  Deputy Chief Minister in-charge Home (Police) Prestone Tynsong said that the government is fully prepared to tackle any eventualities arising out of heavy rainfall and strong winds due to cyclone ‘Remal’.


Speaking to Mediapersons, Tynsong said, “We are fully prepared, be it financially or be it physically, be it whatever situation arises, we are ready. We have instructed all the agencies, be it government, be it NGOs, be it stakeholders up to the village level that they should cooperate and also work closely with the government machinery, which is already linked up to village level.”


Tynsong also urged citizens not to panic. He said, “…the prediction says that this cyclone will go on till tomorrow…We have specifically instructed all DCs not to sleep but to work 24×7 during the ongoing cyclone.”


“In few districts, we may be vulnerable and we have instructed the district administrations to be more vigilant and also to be in active mode,” he said.


According to him, East Jaintia Hills, West Jaintia Hills, South West Khasi Hills, West Khasi Hills, East Khasi Hills, Eastern West Khasi Hills are most likely to be vulnerable.


Asked if government will direct the closure of schools, the deputy CM however said, “We have discussed this issue. We leave it to the wisdom of the district administrations in consultation with the SDSEOs to take necessary decisions on this issue. State government does not have to say anything on this but the advisory note given to the district administration is to take necessary steps or take a decision on the ground as and when you feel it is necessary.”


He said the government has made proper drainage along the sides of the road in Demseiniong and few other places in Shillong.


Tynsong also informed that the government has earmarked Rs 20 crore for each district administration to provide immediate relief to victims of natural calamity.


The deputy CM said the forest department has the full responsibility to identify precarious trees.


“Now again when you talk about the state of Meghalaya quite a number of forested areas falls under the Syiem, Raid and again as I told you this process also we need to sit down with all stakeholders and then identify and ultimately felling of such vulnerable trees can be done,” he added.


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