Deputy CM Dhar Outlines Government’s Strategy to Alleviate Shillong Traffic Congestion

SHILLONG, AUG 28: Replying in the Assembly on Wednesday, deputy chief minister in-charge urban affairs Sniawbhalang Dhar said the government has diagnosed where the lacunae lies in tackling traffic congestion in Shillong city.

He said the government has conducted thorough several studies to identify the key factors contributing to traffic congestion in Shillong city.

These studies include the Blueprint to decongest Shillong designed by the Home police department in consultation with IIM Shillong, and the Comprehensive Mobility Plan 2024 by Urban Affairs department.

“These studies reveal the following gaps in tackling traffic congestion. Limited road width:80% road are less than 7.5m. Limited road capacity: On-street parking reduces road capacity by 30-40%. Increasng number of private vehicles: High vehicular growth rate at 17.5%,” he said.

Dhar informed that the government is committed to balancing development with environmental sustainability.

He said that the decisions to proceed with road widening and the creation of new parking spaces at Ward’s Lake and Phan Nonglait Park were taken after careful consideration of the growing needs of urban infrastructure to alleviate traffic congestion and improve accessibility for residents and visitors. The goal is to enhance public utility while safeguarding our natural heritage.

The deputy chief minister also informed that the redevelopment of Ward’s Lake project is still in the DPR stage. He said that the redevelopment of Phan Nonglait Park project is currently in the concept and design stage.

“Efforts will be made to minimize tree cutting. This follows the successful example of the Urban Affairs department, which created a new parking lot opposite NEIGRIHMS without cutting a single tree,” he said.

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