FKJGP to go ahead with checking of documents; police sends 2 notices so far

The President of FKJGP, Dundee Khongsit on Monday said the organisation has decided to go ahead with the checking of documents of migrant workers.

Talking Exclusively to Meghalaya News 24, Khongsit mentioned that so far Police have sent 2 notices to the organisation as he blamed that the failure of the state Government to check influx and illegal immigrants has compelled the organisation to take up the task of checking documents.

“Due to the idleness and nothing done by the Government has compelled us  as responsible NGOs to take up this matter into our own hands by going to each and every locality, especially in the areas we suspected that there are some illegal migrants,” the FKJGP leader said.

He also said that the Organisation goes to each and every locality especially the areas where it is suspected that there are some illegal migrants.

The FKJGP on the notices sent to them said the police and the Government are doing their duties and FKJGP as an organisation expressed concern over the influx issue.

“There are two notices sent to us … the members of the organisation …as the summon or the notice issued by the Government to the police department we have nothing else to say because they are doing their duty,” Khongsit said.

“As a concerned citizen of our community we are concerned with the coming influx from time to time into our states so , it is our duty also to conduct the checking,” he added.

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