Government Under Pressure to Implement ‘Smart Meter Project’ Despite Past Controversy

Under mounting pressure from the central government, the Meghalaya Government may move forward with implementing the ‘Smart Meter Project.’ Power Minister AT Mondal clarified that the introduction of smart meters is not something MeECL wishes to impose on consumers but has become a mandate linked to the funding pattern of the Ministry of Power.

“We may proceed with the smart meter implementation because of the pressure from the Centre, which insists that the smart meters should be rolled out as soon as possible,” Mondal explained.

He further highlighted the impact this could have on the workforce, stating, “If we implement smart meters, many of our 800 meter readers may no longer be required. We are considering redeployment or rearrangement options for them, but we are approaching this matter cautiously to ensure the sector has hope for the future, especially for consumers.”

Mondal also appealed to consumers for their cooperation, explaining that MeECL is mandated to generate its own resources to function.

“Due to current losses, we are unable to achieve this goal, but we are working on it. We are grateful to some dedicated officers who are giving their best efforts to help MeECL get back on its feet,” he added.

When asked how the government plans to convince the public after the proposal was previously rejected, Mondal stressed the need for consumer cooperation. “The smart meter is not something MeECL is eager to impose. It has become a mandate tied to the Ministry of Power’s funding structure. Smart meters are not just being installed in Meghalaya but across the country. We urge consumers to cooperate because, without these meters, it will be difficult to monitor where energy losses are occurring.”

Addressing concerns about the quality of the meters, Mondal reassured the public, stating, “These are not Chinese meters or anything substandard. They conform to the guidelines set by RAC and other regulatory bodies.”

In 2021, the MDA-1 Government faced criticism from the opposition Trinamool Congress (TMC) over alleged irregularities in the implementation of the smart meter project in the state.

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