Govt asks labour dept to aggressively check labour licence of all interstate migrant workers

Deputy Chief Minister Incharge Home (Police) Prestone Tynsong on Friday said the state Government has instructed the labour department to pull up their socks and aggressively check the labour licence of the interstate migrant workers. He also warned contractors and agencies if they fail to process the requisite documentation of the labourers they may be subjected to ‘Blacklist’.

Admitting that there may be some lapses,  Tynsong said the concerned department is asked to go aggressively if any construction work happened within their jurisdiction they should go and inspect and then they should also ask about  the papers.

“Maybe some Lapses and there,  We were not able to implement it in totality  progressively Or aggressively. So the Instruction has been given to all the concern department be it, labour, labour licence or be it be MRSSA, the concern District administration and  concern Department need to pull up their socks because see, as far as labour licence is concern, we have already created a post of inspector in each and every C& RD block,” Tynsong said.

The Deputy Chief Minister said all Inspectors was already posted in each and every C& RD development who are entrusted to issue the labour licence and “To check those people who we used to call immigrant labourers from outside the state who doesn’t who does not apply or who does not avail the required documents as per the law within the state of Meghalaya.”

“So now we have instructed, to pull off the socks that they have to go aggressively any construction work happened in within their jurisdiction they should go and inspect and then they should also ask about  the papers, whether they have or not and my only request to all the concern especially contractors private firms or whoever dealing with bringing in the labourers from outside the state we are not against it,” Tynsong said.

He said, a strict warning is also issued to the contractors private firms or whoever dealing with bringing in the labourers from outside the state to ensure that the requisite documents of the labourers are processed.

“I’m not against it, the government is not against it but please make sure that you possess the required documents if you don’t. Come back or come until and unless you have all those required documents, if you don’t get that please better not to come because as I have said to you, it’s your failure and not our failure at all. So I would request all the business houses, private Individual or contractors, they need to take this seriously and I think it’s high time that if detected any contractor have to be also punish and has to also be blacklisted if they fail to comply to this existing act that we have,” the deputy CM added.

he said, “The labour Department has been authorised to do all detailed documentation, not only labour commissioner alone, we created up to the district level the deputy Commissioner or the assistant  commissioner labour has been authorised and not only up to the district level even upto the block level they inspector the inspector of labour are also authorised to make sure that those documentation is in order and then only there will issue the labour licence.”

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