KSU submits memorandum to Governor

SHILLONG, SEP 25: The Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) on Wednesday submitted a memorandum to the Meghalaya Governor CH Vijayashankar requesting his intervention on the six pending issues related to the immediate implementation of the inner line permit (ILP), repealing of the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA), inclusion of Khasi language in the Eighth Schedule to the Constitution, exemption from the Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty, 1950, resolving border dispute and establishment of a permanent Central Agricultural University in the state.
KSU general secretary Donald V Thabah in the memorandum highlighted the steps taken by the union to call the attention of the Centre on the need to implement the ILP in Meghalaya. However, till date the KSU and the public are yet to received any positive response from the Central Government which puts everyone in an anxious and apprehensive state.
“Therefore Sir, we humbly appealed to you to kindly facilitate the swift implementation of ILP in the state of Meghalaya through your intervention with the Central Government,” he said.
“…the regions under Meghalaya were integral components of the BEFR 1873 since its inception. Therefore…(we) humbly appeals to your esteemed office to kindly facilitate from your end to include the state of Meghalaya under the purview of the BEFR 1873 or the ILP mechanism like Manipur,” Thabah said. He said that implementation of the ILP in Meghalaya would promote the survival, progress, and security of the ethnic indigenous tribes of the state and it would also ensure peace and tranquillity amongst the peace-loving citizens of the state.
Demanding the immediate repealing of the CAA, 2019, as it seeks to grant citizenship to all migrants from neighbouring countries, Thabah said this will have a detrimental effect of the fragile demographic balance of the State.
He said already, Meghalaya is bearing the brunt of massive illegal immigration since the onset of the Bangladesh Liberation War in 1971 till date adding the intrusion of hordes of migrants into the region since 1971 from Bangladesh has led to a series of
unfortunate tensions between the indigenous inhabitants and the migrants.
“The tribal communities of India are very much Indian like any other community of the nation; hence their survival and protection are also of utmost importance to maintain the social fabric existing in the country.
Therefore Sir, we fervently appeal to you to kindly intervenes with the Central Government for
repealing the CAA in order to safeguard the microscopic indigenous communities of the state and the North East Region,” Thabah requested.
The KSU leader said the union also requested the Governor to take up with the Centre for exempting Meghalaya from the purview of the Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty 1950.
“Similar to the CAA, the Indo-Nepal Friendship Treaty 1950 which permits Nepali citizens
to acquire immediate Indian citizenship without any conditions has had serious ramifications in the state of Meghalaya. Since the 1980s, Meghalaya has seen a surge in the Nepali population in the
state which poses a threat to the miniscule tribal population of the state leading to unwanted
conflicts between the two groups. The immigrant Nepali community is also creating problems in
the bordering areas of Meghalaya challenging the indigenous tribal rights to their land and state,”he stated.
On the border dispute with Assam, Thabah said, “The KSU therefore seeks your guidance to both Governments to ensure that the disputed areas which falls under the jurisdiction of the tribal Khasi chiefs, should be included
under the territory of Meghalaya.”
“Since the inception of Meghalaya in 1972 after being carved out of Assam, there has been claims and counter claims of territories along the border regions of both the states. This led to an animosity between the citizens of the two states which also, unfortunately cost the lives of many innocents,” Thabah said.
On the language issue, the KSU general secretary said the appeal to include the Khasi language in the 8th Schedule is a genuine demand
which had been raised before the Government of India since the 1960’s notably by the Khasi
Authors’ Society. The Khasi Students’ Union (KSU) had also put forth its requests since 1992 for
inclusion of the Khasi language in the 8th Schedule. The Government of Meghalaya has adopted a
resolution seeking the incorporation of the language in the 8th Schedule in 2018.
“The KSU therefore once again humbly appeals your office to kindly facilitate the much-needed inclusion of the Khasi language in the 8th Schedule so as ensure that the language survives
in all aspects and continues to progress especially in academic perspective,” he said.
Meanwhile, the KSU also requested the Governor to address and ensure that the promised and proposed setting up of a Central Agricultural University in
Meghalaya will become a reality.
In 2010 the then Central Government under the Ministry of
Agriculture has approved the establishment of a centrally funded Agricultural University in the
state of Meghalaya at a 200 acres site located in Kyrdemkulai, Ri Bhoi district acquired for that
On July 16, 2019, the KSU had petitioned
Narendra Singh Tomar, Union Minister of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare on this issue but are
yet to be intimated of any response.
Thabah said as per information it was observed that since 2010 there was a proposal to set up an
autonomous Central Agricultural University in the state of Meghalaya by the Government of India
which would cater to the aspirations of the students’ community in the state of Meghalaya.
Accordingly, an agreement was reached between the Central Government and the Government of
Meghalaya under Entry 64 of the Union List I in the same year whereby a plot of land measuring
200 acres was acquired by the Government of Meghalaya in Kyrdemkulai, Ri-Bhoi District for
setting up of the said University.
Subsequently on the 16th October 2014, in a letter (D. O. No. 5-7/2008-CAU) from Dr. S. Ayyapan the Secretary of the Department of Agricultural Research & Education and Director General of Indian Council of Agricultural Research to the then Chief
Secretary of Meghalaya, PBO Warjri, it was conspicuously mentioned that the acquired
land was for the establishment of a new Central Agricultural University. On October 28, 2015
a meeting was held under the chairmanship of Dr. S. Ayyapan with the officials of the Government
of Meghalaya and Department of Agricultural Research in New Delhi to discuss on the various
issues for the establishment of the Central Agricultural University in Meghalaya.

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