Meghalaya College Teachers oppose decision of NEHU VC to implement NEP 2020

The Meghalaya College Teachers Association (MCTA) today opposes the decision of the vice chancellor (VC) of North Eastern Hills University (NEHU) to implement the National Education Policy (NEP) 2020 from 1st August 2023.

It may be noted that on 19 July, vice chancellor (VC) of NEHU Prof. P.S Shukla announced that the NEP 2020 will be implemented for Under Graduate (UG) students from 1 Gust 2023.

“The association would like to state that the decision to implement the NEP 2020 in the under-graduate colleges from the academic session 2023-24 is shocking and unacceptable” said Dr. A.W Rani, general secretary of MCTA while speaking to media persons.

Speaking to media persons, Dr. Rani said that the MCTA has teacher representatives to the 110th academic council meeting and in the meeting, a decision was never taken to implement the NEP from 1    August 2023 as stated by VC in his letter to all principals of colleges affiliated to NEHU.

Dr. Rani informed that in the 110th NEHU academic council meeting a thorough discussion and deliberations took place on the ordinance of NEP 2020 and on the Syllabus prepared by different departments and schools but a resolution were never adopted to implement the NEP with effect from the 2023-24 academic session.

“The VC can go through the proceedings of the academic council meeting and he will find that there was unanimity among the members of the council that the NEP would be implemented from the 2024-25 academic session and not from 1 August 2023 as announced by the VV” said Dr. Rani.

Dr. Rani informed that in the academic council meeting it was made amply clear from the chair that there were two parts with regard to the NEP 2020 which includes that the adoption of the ordinances, rules, regulations and syllabus required for the implementation of the NEP and the actual implementation of the NEP 2020.

“The order/circular/notification/letter which was sent by NEHU to principals of all colleges on 12 July 2023 has already created chaos in the college as many colleges have already started servicing the course as per the old syllabus” he added.

On the other hand the MCTA accuse the VC of violating all the principles of propriety by causing a breach to the privileges, powers and functions of the Academic Council and has also alleged that the method of the VC to implementation of the NEP 2020 is undemocratic and dictatorial in nature paying disregard to the concerns of the stakeholders.

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