Meghalaya Congress to hold meeting on Friday amidst dissidence rumour


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Amid growing rumors of dissent within the party, the Meghalaya Congress is set to address internal discord by convening a meeting tomorrow in Shillong.

The meeting, organized by Meghalaya Pradesh Congress Committee President Vincent H Pala, will also be attended by Saleng A Sangma, the MP from the Tura Parliamentary seat.

Asked about the rumours of three Congress legislators in negotiation with NPP,  Saleng A Sangma, the MP from the Tura Parliamentary told Meghalaya News 24,  “I haven’t met them and I cannot tell what is the truth behind, so assumingly I cannot speak on behalf of them actually. Whether they want to go, or they don’t want to go and what is the reason for all those issues I have to see, then only I can talk before them.”


Saleng Sangma commented on the current situation, noting that since the Congress is not in power, the state government does not require the support of the three Congress MLAs to maintain its position.


“Right now, we are not in the government also and moreover, the government doesn’t need three of them also to be in the government to form the government also, but the way they are playing the politics right now, it’s not a good way of doing it, but anyways, you see there might be some issues amongst the MLAs which we have not ascertain it yet,  So unless and until we know that then only we can  talk as I’ve told you already on behalf of them,” Sangma said.


Asked about MLAs raising concern over the functioning of Vincent H Pala, he said, “I don’t think so, it’s not about Vincent Pala, it’s not about anybody but it’s about their own, it seems like that because right now since they are in the opposition, they have not been in the opposition for a very long time. This is the first time they’re in the opposition, so they might be getting squeeze kind of a thing, so maybe that’s the reason why they want to go to the other side. “


“But unless and until that is the only reason, I think they won’t go because they might be seeing some problem, the issues pertaining to their area, maybe that’s the reason why unless and until they know how to handle them, it will show that maturity especially in the politics. For this we are having a meeting tomorrow,” the MP added.

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