No Plans to Regularize 13,000 SSA Teachers, Confirms Education Minister Sangma

SHILLONG, OCT 31: Education Minister Rakkam A Sangma on Thursday said the question of regularizing the services of over 13000 SSA teachers does not arise as of now


Speaking to reporters, Sangma said that Meghalaya is having the highest number of SSA teachers at 13000 compared to other states.


“Therefore, it is not possible to accommodate or to regularise (immediately) because the system in Meghalaya is completely different from the rest of the country. We have established a separate cadres SSA schools and teachers, way back,” he said


“So now in order to give them better opportunities, whoever is eligible, whoever is qualified, we want to give them the chance to apply for recruitment as and when vacancies arise. We had proposed to the cabinet for relaxation of their upper age limit so that they will be allowed to apply in the upcoming recruitment. Accordingly, the proposal was approved by the cabinet,” he added.


Asked, the minister said there are over 600 vacancies at present.


“We will be calling for advertisements very soon. Those who are MTET qualified can apply and they can be absorbed any time. Though they are serving, they have to clear MTET as there are certain criteria and procedures that need to be followed,” he said.


Asked, the education minister said, “The question of absorption does not arise as of now but the problem is being looked into as for all SSA teachers, the salary component comes from the government of India and government of Meghalaya.”


“If the government decides today, it is going to be a huge financial burden on the state, which is not possible. Step by step. We are on a positive note. It may not happen today but it may happen tomorrow but the government is serious. We are exploring all possible ways and means and working out a formula on how to support and how to give them job security as most of them are worrying as the SSA programme in 2026 will be over and definitely it will be handed over to the state government. There is no way out. Therefore, the government is exploring and leaving no stone unturned to address their issues,” he assured.

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