Petroleum Dealers Association urges public to be extra cautious in regards to Ethanol blended petrol

SHILLONG, JUNE 26: The Petroleum Dealers Association, Meghalaya (PDAM) on Wednesday urged the public to be extra cautious in regards to Ethanol blended petrol.


Addressing media persons, president of the association Kenedy C Khyriem said that since February, 2022, the Government of India, through the Petroleum Ministry has introduced 10% Ethanol blended Petrol in the country. Now the government has started blending up to 20% Ethanol in petrol.


As Ethanol is Hygroscopic in nature, it attracts water and reacts with it. This forms a new product which can create problems in vehicles.


He said the Dealers Association nationwide had opposed this move as even if there is slight water in the customers tank or in our underground storage tank, it will create problems. But the government has been manufacturing this petrol and selling this Ethanol added petrol.


A mass awareness about Ethanol blended petrol was done nationwide to make customers aware of the problem and how to handle their tanks in the vehicle, like to not park their cars, scooters, bikes in open areas.


Especially during monsoons it is important that customers keep their cars, scooters and bikes under covered areas, particularly for two wheelers and make sure their tank caps are closed properly.


Khyriem said that prior to the introduction of this Ethanol added petrol, petrol pump dealers have cleaned our underground tanks and made sure that there is no water content in it. Further, we regularly check our storage tanks on a daily basis for water accumulation.


But despite this, especially Meghalaya being an area of heavy rainfall, there is a very high probability that water can enter or even leak into customer’s tanks, especially two wheelers.


“But it is a very sad affair what has happened on many occasions in petrol pumps in Meghalaya, during the rainy season, if something like this happens the petrol pump owners/workers are being wrongly accused of purposely mixing water with petrol and selling it. There have been several occasions when petrol pump owners have been forced to pay huge compensations, this is completely unjustified,” he said.


“Hence, from the Petroleum Dealers Association, Meghalaya, we request the public/consumer to be extra cautious so far the matter cited above is concerned,” Khyriem added.

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