UDP reaching out to VPP exploring bringing it under the regional alliance: Paul

UDP Working President Paul Lyngdoh emphasized the importance of coordination and cooperation among regional parties, particularly in the context of the political landscape in Meghalaya. He clarified that the United Democratic Party (UDP) does not view opposing political parties as enemies but rather as rivals. To foster collaboration, UDP President Metbah Lyngdoh has been given the responsibility of reaching out to the Voice of the People’s Party (VPP) to explore the possibility of bringing it under the regional alliance.

Speaking to the media in Shillong, Paul Lyngdoh reiterated the party’s commitment to maximizing its service through coordination with other regional parties.

The UDP leader said, “We would like to optimise our service as a party and we have been repeatedly calling for coordination and cooperation amongst regional parties and we stand by that.”

“I think our party president has been entrusted with responsibility of talking to VPP, so accordingly he will report back to us,” he added when asked further about reaching out to VPP.

He acknowledged the proactive efforts of the VPP’s media cell, which has significantly increased the party’s visibility. This, he noted, contrasts with the lower profile maintained by former Shillong MP Vincent H. Pala, compared to the current MP’s approach.

When asked about reports of three Congress legislators being in talks with the NPP for a potential merger, Lyngdoh expressed confidence that this development would not pose a threat to the UDP. While the merger would bring the ruling NPP closer to a majority in the legislature, Lyngdoh seemed unfazed by the possibility, indicating that the UDP remains focused on its own strategies and alliances.


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