UDP State Election Committee decides to organizes wide consultation before finalising MP candidates

The State Election Committee of the United Democratic Party (UDP) met on Monday and decided to organize a wide consultation before finalising the names of the candidates for the Lok Sabha elections.


UDP vice president Allantry F Dkhar said, “We are already initiating the process and there will be a wide consultation before we arrive at any decision. The consultation is to zero in on the probable candidates.”


He said the consultation will be held immediately through the district presidents and secretaries with the elected members and workers of the party.


“The district presidents are given a week’s time to complete the exercise and to report back to the SEC,” Dkhar said.

He said, “After receiving the feedback, the SEC will make a final assessment after which we will be able to go into further consultations under the banner of the Regional Democratic Alliance (RDA).”


Dkhar however refused to disclose the names of the ticket aspirants for the Shillong seats.

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