VPP demands special session on Roster system & job reservation policy in Assembly

The Voice of the People Party (VPP) on Tuesday decided to petition the Chief Minister of Meghalaya and the Speaker of the Meghalaya Legislative Assembly to convene the Special Session of the Assembly to discuss the matter pertaining to the issue of the implementation of the roster system and the state job reservation policy.

Dr. Batskhem Myrboh, Spokesperson, VPP informed that the decision was taken by the party in its Central Executive Committee Meeting following the order of the Meghalaya High Court order dated 03.04.2023.

“….Also the Party decided to organise public meetings in the different district/sub-division headquarters to enlighten the public on the impact of the implementation of the roster system without bringing the much needed review in the job reservation policy,” Myrboh said.

Further, he said, “…the Party in such meetings will elucidate the importance of creating resistance against the attempt to impose a one language policy in the country marked by diversity and also on the criticality of inclusion of the Khasi and Garo languages in the Eight Schedule of the Constitution of India.”

The Party appeals to the citizens to attend the public meetings. The dates of the public meetings will be announced at a later date.

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