NPP Women’s Wing falicitates Prestone Tynsong, NPP state prez DY CM Incharge Home

State President of NPP Women’s Wing, Dr. Jasmine Lyngdoh along with other women members of NPP on Wednesday felicitated NPP state President who is also Deputy Chief Minister Incharge Home Prestone Tynsong for appointing Indian Police Service (IPS) officer Idashisha Nongrang has been appointed as the first woman Director General of Police (DGP) of Meghalaya.


Expressing appreciation to the state government for appointing Idashisha Nongrang as the first woman Director General of Police (DGP) of Meghalaya, Lyngdoh said, “We have come to express our appreciation that deputy chief minister incharge home has appointed Idashisha as first woman DGP of Meghalaya, which is a very prestigious post and we see that yes this is a government that gives a lot of opportunities for our women to show their calibre and also that sense of workmanship and security for our women is very much there because of this appointment that has been made. We are very happy that the government takes very strong initiative and sees the potentials in our women, who are very good leaders and who will give a lot of good service.”


“As we know Idashisha has also started announcing a series of new reformation in the police department. She is going to be meeting with the public, she is going to give a lot of emphasis on women safety and these are things that we from the National Peoples’ Women Front are very happy that this is happening,” she said.


“So this rise in crimes against women, we know that it is a global phenomenon but we understand that with a woman DGP a lot of emphasis would be done in terms of even ensuring that culprits are nabbed in time and measures are taken for security of women,” Dr Jasmine added.


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