Second Agniveer Recruit Training Batch of 58 Gorkha Training Centre held

The Attestation Parade of the Second Agniveer Recruit Training Batch of 58 Gorkha Training Centre was held at 58 GTC, Happy Valley, Shillong on Monday.
The Parade marked the culmination of rigorous recruit training during which young Agniveers were transformed into physically fit, mentally robust & professionally competent Soldiers of the Indian Army.  In an impressive ceremony marked by immaculate turnout, a total of 11 (Ten Soldier General Duty and One Soldier Tradesman) Agniveer Recruits took the Oath of Affirmation administered by the Adjutant.
The ceremony was reviewed by Brigadier  Robi Kapoor, Commandant 58 Gorkha Training Centre who congratulated the batch of Agniveers for the successful completion of their training while also exhorting them to strive to be the finest soldiers of the Indian Army.
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