‘Unemployment is not the root cause of militancy in Meghalaya’: Rakkam

NPP legislator and cabinet Minister Rakkam A Sangma has denied that unemployment is the root cause of Militancy in Meghalaya.

Talking to media persons, Sangma said the state Government has taken up various initiatives for the youths of the state and unemployment is no more the cause of Militancy.

“I don’t agree. There is an issue of unemployment but in view of the unemployed youths going to militancy is not the solution. It’s not the answer,” Sangma said.

“In Meghalaya lots of entrepreneurs can come up, business can be taken up, we are shortage of teachers if anybody is educated, qualified they can become the teacher, they can become the Engineer, they can become the doctor,” he said adding that he don’t think unemployment is the root cause of the issue.

Talking about the MDA Government’s initiative for the youths of the state, the Minister said, “We have lots of programmes CM Elevate, YESS Meghalaya, PRIME Programme, Skill Meghalaya, there are many programmes launched by the Chief Minister for the youths of the state. If it (GNLA Regrouping) is true our Government and our police will do the needful.”

Following the second release by the group claiming to be the GNLA Regrouped, the NPP leader said, intelligence and police are doing their jobs as the police are well equipped to take up the challenges.

“Our police and intelligence are doing their job and we are yet to identify them, but we are well equipped,” he said.

Stating that he is yet to be convinced and digest the claim about GNLA regrouping, the Minister said this information needs to be verified.

“As of now I don’t think so because many people have experienced the pain of militancy for the last 20 years,” Rakkam said.

Recalling the era of militancy in Garo Hills, Sangma said, “I am like dictionary of the militants, I know in and out, we  have experience enough is enough, Militants came to my house before many time, we have experienced that challenged we have seen our people being killed.”

The NPP legislator also said if the youths have any demand they should negotiate and talk to the state Government rather than taking up arms.

“Enough is enough I don’t think they will get support from the people. We need to verify what demand it is, if the demand is genuine then negotiation is necessary. Be it HNLC, be it GNLA or any other militant outfit if there is an issue to discuss, debate and decide but survival and living in peace is far more important than anything else,” he said adding there is no substitute for living in peace.

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