Vocational skills training to be part of customized Education policy

Advisory to the Government in the Education Department, Hima M Shangpliang on Wednesday said that the vocational skills training at the school level will be part of the customized Education policy in the state.

Talking to reporters, Shangpliang said the scheme will equip students with skills in addition to general education to prepare them for the industry demands.

Vocational courses for students in classes 8 to 12 will provide them with skills required for various occupations in different sectors.

“We intend to have skill development from class 8,9,10, 11 and 12 , that means for five long years these students are going to get different kind of skill developments, so that even during the vacation or while particular students waiting for the results he can involve himself into some kind of skill and due to different factors tomorrow after class 10 if he cannot further proceed education he can pick up any of the skill that has been trained and that skill will give him his livelihood,” Shangpliang said.

This policy aims to transform the Indian education system by providing students with holistic, multidisciplinary, and future-oriented education.

The Advisory to the Government in the Education Department expressed concern over the increasing dropout rates in the state.

Reportedly, the dropout rate in the state is around 30 percent which is alarming.

Asked he said, “We would be conducting a special study on this and just not the study of how many; we would also like to know why? And we would also like to have a solution to that.”

“With this new education policy where it provides opportunity to such students who could not carry on their studies due to many factors, therefore these students should also be given opportunities to take up certain vocational skills so that they can earn their livelihood,” the former legislator added.




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